Today Vocabulary Accuse| Definition Accuse| Sentence example Accuse| Verb Form Accuse| Similar words Accuse| Derived forms Accuse| Origin Accuse

Rahul Gupta


Today Vocabulary 

Accuse(əˈkjuːz)= आरोप लगाना (aarop lagana)

Definition  Accuse:-
   1) to charge of the blame, offense, or wrongdoing (for the most part took after by of).
2) a man or people charged in an official courtroom with a wrongdoing, offense, and so forth.

Sentence example Accuse:-
 1) The most recent Hillary Clinton paranoid idea doesn't bode well activists blame twitter for meddling with the perceivability of their hostile to Hillary hashtag.
2) Kurdish powers in Syria accuse turkey for over and over assaulting their position, yet Ankara says the units are not focused by its military.

Verb Form  Accuse:- 
Present Tense: - Accuse
Past Tense: - Accused
Past Participial: - Accused
Present Participial: - Accusing

Similar words  Accuse:-

Derived forms :-
accuser (acˈcuser) noun
accusing (acˈcusing)  adjective
accusingly (acˈcusingly)  adverb

Origin Accuse : -

1250-1300; Middle English ac(c) usen < Old French acuser < Latin accūsāre to demand an explanation from

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