Today Vocabulary Add | Definition Add | Sentence example Add | Verb Form Add | Similar words Add | Derived forms Add | Origin Add

Today Vocabulary Add | Definition Add | Sentence example Add | Verb Form Add | Similar words Add | Derived forms Add | Origin Add
Today Vocabulary of Add

Today Vocabulary

 Add (ad) = जोड़ना(jodana)

Definition Add:-

   1) Join (something) to something unique in order to expand the size, number, or sum..
   2) merged (two or more quantities or amounts) to calculate their total value.

Sentence example Add:-

 1) Please add up the numbers
2) Please add my name to the list.

Verb Form Add:- 

Present Tense: - Add
Past Tense: - Added
Past Participial: - Added
Present Participial: - Adding

Similar words Add:-

Add together,
Add up.

Derived forms:-

Noun Form: addition, additional.
Adjective: additive, addible.
Adverb: additively, additionally.

Origin Add: -

1325-75; Middle English adden  < Latin addere, similar to ad- ad- + -dere to put (combining form; see do1)

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