Today Vocabulary Act | Definition Act | Sentence example Act | Verb Form Act | Similar words Act | Derived forms Act | Origin Act


Today Vocabulary Act | Definition Act | Sentence example Act | Verb Form Act | Similar words Act | Derived forms Act | Origin Act
Today Vocabulary Act

Today Vocabulary

Act(akt) = अधिनियम(adhiniyam)

Definition Act:-

1) Make a move; do something. 2) Something that human do or cause to happen.

Sentence example Act:-

 1) Big News on Affordable care act. Includes blogs, news and community conversation about affordable care
2) Big News on dream act. Includes blogs, news and community conversation about dream act

Verb Form Act:- 

Present Tense: - Act
Past Tense: - Acted
Past Participial: - Acted
Present Participial: - Acting

Similar words Act:-

Human action,

Derived forms:-

Noun Form:Acting,Action.
Adjective: Actable,Active Acted.
Adverb: Actively,Activistly.

Origin Act: -

1350-1400; Middle English act(e) ( < Middle French)  < Latin? cta, multiple of? ctum something done, thing utilization of previous participle of agere to do (? g-past participle stem + - tum fix past participle addition); and specifically  < Latin? ctus a doing (? g-+ - sus suffix of v. action)

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