Idioms and Phrases

Idioms and  Phrases of A 

  • A Bit of Fluff = A Sexually attractive Women.
  • A Breath of fresh air = Said about a new, fresh, and imaginative approach, a change that feels good.
  •  A clean bill of Health = said when you examine someone or something and state they are healthy, in good condition or legal.
  • A dime's worth = An insignificant amount.
  • A fact of life = This idiom is to refer to something which is unpleasant and which people accept because they cannot change it.
  • A Fool and his money are soon parted = this means that stupid people spend money without thinking about it enough. 
  • A life - saver = this phrase is used  to refer to something or someone that saves a person in a difficult situation or critical moment.
  • A little bird told me=  said when don't want reveal the source of your information.
  • A lost ball in the weeds = The phrase a lost ball in the weeds refer to a person who is completely lost or confused to a who is completely lost or confuse and does not know what they are doing, how to do it or possibly ever where they are.
  •  A man of action = A man who is inclined to act first rather than think about things and discuss them.
  • A man of few words = (Also a woman of few words) a man who doesn't speak much.A man of word.
  • A man's man = The phrase a man's man refers to a man known for traditionally masculine interests and activities. 
  • A new lease of  life = This idiom is used to refer to an occasion when something gives you the chance to become happy or healthy and makes you more energetic  than before
  • A number cruncher = A number cruncher refer to someone whose job is to work with numbers and mathematics.It may also refer to a computer that is able to solve complicated problem of mathematics.
  • A roof over your head = A place to live.
  • A steal = A steal refer to a good deal; it's almost like you stole it
  • A watched pot never boils = This expression is used to mean that things appear to go more slowly of one waits anxiously for it.
  • A woman of few words = (Also a man of few words) A woman who doesn't speak much.A woman of action.
  • A  whole new ball game = A completely different situation.
  • A women's work is never done = The Proverb a women 's work is never done means that a woman often works longer hours than a man because the housework and raising children are jobs that never end.
  • About as useful as a chocolate teapot = Saying something is about as useful as a chocolate teapot means that it is totally useless
  •  Above suspicion = This phrase is used to describe a person who is honest enough that's no one would suspect.
  • Above the law = Not subject to the law. exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else.
  • Above the salt = If someone is above the salt they are of high standing and Honor.
  • Achilles hell = Said about a strong situation which contains an element of vulnerability.
  •  Acid test = the idiom acid test refers to a decisive test whose findings show the worth or  quality of something
  • Act of god =Something that occurred, such as an accident for which no human is responsible. a natural disaster such a storm, earthquake...
  • Act one's age =  to be mature and not childish.
  • Adam tiler = A pickpocket's accomplice; the person who takes the goods a pickpocket steals and leaves with them.
  • Adam's ale = (Old-fashioned)water.
  • Add fuel to the fire = To make a problem worse; to say or do something that makes a bad situation worse 
  •  Affinity for = Said about you have attraction, preference or sympathy for something or someone 
  • Against the clock = To work or race against the clock the clock means to do something as fast as possible and try to finish it before a deadline.
  • Against time = (Also against the clock) an attempt to finish to do something quickly within a time limit.
  • Age before beauty = A phrase said to allow older people to go before younger ones.Now most often used humorously or lightheartedly, and usually sad by a younger person to an older friend or relative out of mock pity for being so much older and unattractive.
  • Age out of something = The phrase age out of something means to reach an age at which one is no longer eligible for the system of care designed to provide service, such as education and protection, for people below a certain age level
  • Ahead of one's time = In advance to concurrent commonly accepted ideas; showing characteristics of change yet to be; present in one's work before later advances in the field. 
  • Alive and kicking = (Also be alive and well)to continue to be well, healthy or successful.
  • All cats are grey in the dark = The phrase all cats are grey in the dark means that in the dark, physical appearance is important. (This phrase is attribute of  Benjamin Franklin).
  • All dressed up and nowhere to go = The phrase all dressed up and nowhere to go means getting ready for something and then it never happened.the phrase may be literally or figuratively.
  • All hat and no cattle = Describing someone who is full of big talk but lacking action, power, or substance; pretentious. 
  • All in a day's work = what is normal, typical or expected.
  •  All one's eggs in one basket = The state of having invested heavily in just one area or of having devoted all of one's resources to one thing.
  • All that glitters in not gold = Appearance is something misleading. Things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not be as good as they look.
  • All that jazz = Everything else related to something; and other similar things.
  • All the more = Even more.
  • All walk of life = Occupation,roles,social class, or lifestyle.
  • All work and no play  makes jack  a dull boy = All work and no play makes jack a dull boy is a proverb which means that it is not good to work  all the time and that people may get bored if they don't get some time off from work.
  • All's fair in love and war = In love or in war, you allowed to be deceitful in order to get what you want.
  • Along the line = In a general direction or manner.
  • America Dream = (idiomatic) A philosophy that with hard work,courage and determination,anyone can prosper and achieve success.
  •  An act of war = An act which is consider violent enough to cause war

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