Today Vocabulary Accomplish | Definition Accomplish | Sentence example Accomplish | Verb Form Accomplish | Similar words Accomplish | Derived forms Accomplish | Origin Accomplish

Rahul Gupta


Today Vocabulary

Accomplish(É™-ˈkäm-plish)= पूरा(Pura)

Definition of Accomplish:-1) To bring to completion
                                               2) Carry out
                                                3) to prevail with regards to coming to

Sentence example: - 1) However, social media can be for great good too. Specifically, when it                                                 comes helping you get things done, accomplish goals and even, kick bad habits to the curb.
2) Yoga could be your secret weapon to actually accomplishing your year’s      resolutions. I looked up the most common resolution for teens, and most of them fell under these three categories: Get fit, get smart and get happy

Verb Form of Accomplish:- 
Present Tense: - Accomplish
Past Tense: - Accomplished
Past Participial: - Accomplished
Present Participial: - Accomplishing

Similar words of Accomplish:-

Origin of Accomplish:-

1350-1400; Middle English, earlier accomplice < Middle French accompliss-, stem of acomplir, equivalent to a- ac- + complir Latin complēre to fill; see complete, -ish2

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